What Is E-A-T SEO And Why It Matters

In the world of search engine optimisation (SEO), many methods are utilised to refine better content that will, as a result, show up on a search engine’s result page. Services like Google often update their algorithm to reward worthwhile content, as ultimately, the relevance, appropriateness and immediacy of a correct search result will reflect well upon them. This allows Google to retain its place as a carefully calibrated and trusted search engine, which keeps it competitive. This also permits a substructure of websites pursuing higher placements in the search results relating to specific keywords, the justification to refine and better their content continually.

This is where the principle of E-A-T SEO comes in, demonstrated as a handy acronym you can easily remember. But what is E-A-T, and how can it best be utilised for local businesses hoping to compete with large, complex enterprises that you may assume would be uniformly praised at the top of each individual search ranking?

Well, search engines like Google (which we will refer to as the default from here on out) use E-A-T principles to ensure this latter circumstance is not the only result felt by search engine users.

What Is E-A-T For SEO

A strong brand cements your place in the market, increases your reach, and boosts customer loyalty. To create a strong brand, however, you must ensure your branding is instantly recognisable to your target audience. A website is an effective way to reinforce your brand values and to use your visual assets to increase brand recognition. When your logo, typography, and corporate colours are displayed online, you can be confident that a significant percentage of your target audience will recognise your brand attributes in any location.

Why Is It Important

E-A-T is important because it clarifies search results and rewards better content.
Expertise translates to your service or website’s knowledge of a specific topic. For instance, if your plumbing business regularly posts effective, well-written, readable plumbing content for various purposes, you are more likely to be weighed as an authority on the subject, which can benefit you in the search rankings.

Authority searches for the relevance of the answers, using keywords, predictive phrases, backlinks and citations via social media or other websites to raise your profile. If others refer to your page, others are more likely to wish to do so.

Trustworthiness is an essential component of becoming evaluated more positively. If your website holds a valid SSL certificate, pages and images are easy to load, navigation is easy, and fully meets user needs (such as offering entire desktop and mobile browsing compatibility), you will be ranked more highly.

How Does It Help Local Businesses

E-A-T helps local businesses by allowing them to operate within the same framework as larger businesses. Your expertise and authority on a subject can be specific to a particular area, so local companies are aided in this search response. For instance, if you search for a gym, Google will wish to show you gyms in the local area that present expertise, authority, and trustworthiness as part of their landing page. After all, despite its fame, showing you a gym in another country has little relevance to you. For that reason, E-A-T is a fantastic method of structuring a search ranking algorithm.

With this advice, we hope you understand E-A-T and how it may translate to your SEO strategy. We will help your business devise a plan to develop your E-A-T and make your business an authority within your industry in your local area. Contact us today and see how we can help.

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